Among the problems facing world economies in the coming years are major environmental challenge:

Waste Disposal

Huge quantities of waste are produced around the world, with amounts increasing due to population growth and change in consumption patterns. The US alone produces over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste per year, plus many hundreds of millions of tons of commercial waste, hospital waste, used tires and other types of non-recyclable waste. Most waste is burned in incinerators or dumped in landfills, both of which are inefficient, costly and lead to a host of environmental problems.

  • Contaminated moisture from landfills can leach into the water table for decades;
  • The solid remains of landfills are a long-term contaminant;
  • Methane and carbon dioxide (in addition to unpleasant odors) are released into the atmosphere;
  • Landfills can catch fire, and are very difficult to extinguish, Resulting in increased pollution;
  • Incineration can release NOx, SOx, dioxins, furans and other dangerous pollutants;
  • Fly-ash from incineration is hazardous and typically must be buried in specially designated landfills.

In many countries, landfill space is now in short supply. For example, in 1978 there were around 20,000 landfills in the US. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimated that by the end of 2010, only 1,200 landfills remain.

Recycling, while positive, can only address a fraction of the problem, as there remain many types of waste that cannot be recycled.

Over-Reliance on Fossil Fuels

The supply of fossil fuels is subject to political uncertainty. Burning oil and gas to produce electricity is costly. Fossil fuel-fired power stations produce large amounts of pollutants, carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses.

GWE-the solution

C6’s Advanced Recycling and Energy Conversion (AREC) technology provides a solution to both of these problems by turning harmful waste into energy using a state-of-the-art, pollution-free process that does not burn waste.







Advanced Recycling and Energy Conversion (AREC) provides a number of benefits compared to other types of renewable energy

Continuous and Predictable “Base Load” Renewable Energy
A robust and reliable process which produces sustainable energy continuously and at high availability, not dependent on wind, sun or other climactic conditions.

Energy Located Close to Consumers
AREC plants can, regulations permitting, be sited in or near population centers, unlike other types of renewable energy such as solar, wind, geothermal and marine which are often located at a considerable distances from where the energy is required, resulting in increased interconnection costs and transmission losses.

Reduction in Incineration and Landfill Associated Pollution
C6 AREC plants provide a more efficient, environmentally sound method of disposal of non-recyclable waste, eliminating the need for incineration and dramatically reducing new landfill requirements; This in turn reduces harmful emissions and other pollutants caused by landfill and incineration. Landfills are a major source of methane emissions which are 20 to 30 times more detrimental to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide emissions

Robust Financials with multiple revenue sources
The financial return is less dependent on the price of competing energy sources, since only a part of the revenue is derived from the sale of electricity, with tipping fees making up a significant percentage of revenues.


